What are the benefits of breathing oxygen to the lungs?

What are the benefits of breathing oxygen to the lungs?

What are the benefits of breathing oxygen to the lungs?

Liu Xin, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Internal Medicine
Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
Top 3A | 67th in the country


The benefits of oxygen inhalation for the lungs are mainly for patients with lung diseases, such as asthma, pneumonia, obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., which will affect the normal lung function and cause the patient's respiratory function to weaken. At this time Oxygen therapy can help reduce the pressure on the lungs and promote the recovery of lung function.

Inhaling oxygen can effectively improve the discomfort caused by hypoxia. Precautions for inhaling oxygen include: First, choose medical oxygen when inhaling oxygen. Industrial oxygen cannot be used. In addition, during oxygen inhalation, be careful not to adjust the oxygen flow at will. High-flow oxygen inhalation for a long time can easily cause oxygen poisoning. Generally, oxygen inhalation lasts for 10 to 15 minutes each time, and continuous oxygen inhalation should not exceed one week. The specific situation will be treated according to individual circumstances under the guidance of a doctor. If you feel uncomfortable while inhaling oxygen, call a nurse or doctor immediately.

In addition, healthy people can also inhale oxygen. Oxygen inhalation also has many benefits for healthy people, such as relieving fatigue, improving sub-health status, and improving body immunity.

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